24 ore di Finale

The 1st and 2nd of June, I had the great chance to race the 24 ore di Finale, which is a huge event about mountainbiking organized at 235 m asl, right back the Finale Ligure’s beaches. Basically, it consists of riding for 24 hours, in a ring of 11km with almost 200m difference in height, in different categories, solo or team relay, mine was 8 components team race, win the one who close more laps. But I must admite, we were there just for fun, and we were right, it was absolutly awesome. I could not sleep much, eat neither (pasta was just eatable!), but laugh a lot. It was not just the race, that made me happy, but also the location. I did not know the place where the event took place. It is known as Altopiano delle Maine. It is like a “green table”, iperconnected by a net of trails. It was inhabitated from prehistorical age, because of the presence of enormous caves. These were still used by romans, and during last century by locals as olive mill.

I do recon to partecipate to such an event, but also, spending a few days visiting the place, just to relax.

Dream and constancy.

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